Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The first thing we picked up about his college when we got there was the sheir aw and magnetude of the campus itself. I felt like i was in high school again goin on a college tour. (It was vast and very impressive) You could see how its insperation alone could lead people to do great things. When we arived at the art gallery.. (on camous) We were met by a lot more then i expected espeially when we went to the 2nd floor blew my mind. Walking up the steps i had to squent my eyes>< is it? what? Sculptures from aceint iraq???? wtf! followed up almost my tears. I had seen them in a copy of National Geographic id just never though id be right there infront of it.. They were incredable and id mostlikely spend a day in the musium looking at them alone. Beautiful stone sculptures and releafs. You could tell there age just looking at them and the detailed paterns that they wore almost made me fall back down the stairs.

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