Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A trip to the book store

It was great to get to take some time to see whats new and first hand get to breeze through the pages of the latest graphic novels. Though for the most part i see this as an exercise i like to preform anytime i get the chance to go to a book store or library or so forth and so on. Long fellow books is definitely on of my favorite book stores because of there selection. Its not that they have every book you could ever imagine, its more like every book has been hand picked for one reason or another and resembles more of a collection then random mindless ordering. i have had the most fun in this class when Alex took us places and should us first hand what was up. I think that this is one of the most effective teaching methods or at least to say that it works the best on me.

Tim Rollins

Im sure alot can be said about this man but from the small time spend with him and knowing his acomplishments make no mistake that he is a great one. From the way he control and works the room, the power of his vioce and the words of insperation he almost preches to the audience. People were so captivated by him and the way he spook you could really see it. He has something that animates him that pushes him through and to overcome all the hartship that his job intails. Present id say is the main thing, he held enormous larger then life presona that seemed very really.


The first thing we picked up about his college when we got there was the sheir aw and magnetude of the campus itself. I felt like i was in high school again goin on a college tour. (It was vast and very impressive) You could see how its insperation alone could lead people to do great things. When we arived at the art gallery.. (on camous) We were met by a lot more then i expected espeially when we went to the 2nd floor blew my mind. Walking up the steps i had to squent my eyes>< is it? what? Sculptures from aceint iraq???? wtf! followed up almost my tears. I had seen them in a copy of National Geographic id just never though id be right there infront of it.. They were incredable and id mostlikely spend a day in the musium looking at them alone. Beautiful stone sculptures and releafs. You could tell there age just looking at them and the detailed paterns that they wore almost made me fall back down the stairs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


A dark time lighted by a little girl making it through her all to real reality graphic novel Persepolis. This is an excellent way of portraying through a more personal view point, the events that alter the courses of life for the people in country torn apart by war. Also pointing out the very illogical taught behaviors in human sociaty all the time bring the store closer to home.

Eraser Head

I still rather not talk about this movie but seeing as though i kinda of have to i will. I do admit that it is a well done movie in that it did strike deep psychological human nerves, while also working dynamically as a captivating feature film. The movie mainly focus's on surrealist perspective of humanity in its dullest horrific form. At least that may just be my interpretation of the film. How ever through these dark depictions comes a sort of truth and blunt honesty, the kind that slaps you in the face if your not careful. It prods at the depths of the subconscious leaving us with a real feeling that almost seems too real....hn234hbtv76frfjdf723 $%^%$

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Surrealism uses mondain objects images or figures to invoke deeper inner connections. While Warping and distorting or placing them out of original or familiar context. The thing that captures us about this art besides its stunning imagery is that no matter how far squde an object becomes it still hold the common familiarity of the object or figures original state. What particularly caught my eye was Duchamps, Little Girl at the Pino, along with, Sad Young man in a train because of his use of motion within the painting. He creates this elution my drawing a sort of path that the figures are moving through. Almost like drawing motion and movement on a page, a series of paintings on a signal canvas. When your eye moves from one side of the page to the next the elution of motion can easially be seen. To see the elution not only of the 3rd demention not to mention the elution of motion is very exciting for me as an animator.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My own work features illustration from a 3-D perspective. I create textures to bring my own illustrations to life through my animations and models. I, then, take these models and animations and place them in a set scenario or scene. Often telling a story interactively hence a video game. I am currently working with landscapes characters and objects and including and introducing them together in game engines. My first step in realizing my work in a bigger whole.


finished my zine today. i came out pretty well. its called ink and it is a composition of 3 different artist work and is based on pure ideas and random thoughts rather then finished work. im thinking about posting it so everyone online can see it i already have the pages scanned anyway..
I worked with other artist on this project for the first time. I found it alot more inspiring but harder to reach dead lines when you have to depend on other people to get there. We are thinking about continuing the zine past this project which is actual very exciting to have a side project sprite from my art makes me feel like more of an artist.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

premise of my project- im going to be making a zeen based on artist identity called ink. each issue hypothetically holds show case to 3 different artist per issue. showing depths of themselfs based soloy on their art that they make asighed from on going projects and predeturmand themes.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Read the Martin Luther King reading on Non-Violence.
It is truly inspiring to read his words and hear how brilliant and true they are.
He speaks from his perspective (a black mans perception) of the times that he lived in. Along with the in-just treatment of his people.
I have found that when a person talks they talk from one side but he talks in a way that is geared to humanity rather then a specific race of people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We are starting to work on zens now im excited to be able to have more creative freedom in the class. I hope i can get everything moving smoothly again.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Intro to illustration

This blog has been started to document my work in this class.